Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

The Board of directors of Goodbye Kansas Group AB (publ), including the Chairman, currently consists of four (4) members and no substitutes. The Board was elected by the Annual General Meeting on April 13, 2023. Shareholdings are reported for March 31, 2024.

Per Anders Wärn
/Chairman since 2021

Born in 1961. Per Anders was for 10 years a member of the corporate leadership team in Gartner Inc, Stamford, CT, USA, the world’s leading company in Research Advisory, and was responsible for Gartner’s global consulting business. Per Anders is currently CEO of STOAF III SciTech AB (Stockholm business angels). Other Board assignments include Limina AB (Chairman) and Westpay AB (Board member). Executive MBA from Stockholm School of Economics.

Shareholding in Goodbye Kansas: 614,266 shares

Staffan Eklöw
/Member since 2017

Born in 1957. Staffan has almost 30 years of experience as a business lawyer. During the years 1994 – 2000 he was the general counsel at TV4 AB. Staffan has experience of board work and held the position Managing Partner at the business law firm Lindahl for many years. Chairman in Bublar Group 20172021. Other assignments include Adventure Box technology AB (publ), MedlingsCentrum Sverige AB, Lennart Nilsson Photography AB, and Creative Society Production Stockholm AB. Bachelor of Laws and MBA from Stockholm University.

Shareholding in Goodbye Kansas: 12,334 shares

Independent in relation to the company and executive management. Independent in relation to major shareholders.

Mikko Setälä
/Member since 2021

Born in 1956. Mikko Setälä has over 30 years of experience of leading positions in the gaming and software industry. Mikko Setälä has served Rovio Entertainment Corp. between 2006-2020 in roles of Chairman of the Board, CFO and Executive Vice President and also as the President of Rovio Animation Company and other subsidiaries of Rovio in North America. He has experience of turnarounds, IPOs and investment strategies. Mikko is currently a Board member in Pro-Source Oy and Setala Capital Oy. Mikko holds a Master of Science in Engineering from the Helsinki University of Technology (currently: Aalto University)

Shareholding in Goodbye Kansas: 36,300 shares

Independent in relation to the company and executive management. Independent in relation to major shareholders.

Adrian Politowski
/Member since 2022

Born in 1978. Adrian Politowski has a long experience of leading management positions and board assignments in areas that are of strategic importance to the company. Adrian is currently the CEO of Align, a film and TV production company with its headoffice in Los Angeles. During his career, Adrian has worked as a producer on over 450 films.

Shareholding in Goodbye Kansas: 18,829 shares

Independent in relation to the company and executive management. Independent in relation to major shareholders.


Stefan Danieli
/Chief Executive Officer

Born in 1965. Over thirty years of experience from financial and operational roles in international groups in a number of different industries, of which 20 years in media, including positions abroad. Stefan’s experience includes growth companies and restructuring processes and as CFO, he has worked for both listed and private companies. During more recent years, Stefan has held the role as CFO at retail companies (RNB and Åhléns) and the film and TV production company EndemolShine Nordics, and also held temporary positions in his own company. Throughout his career, he has successfully been responsible for financial and administrative functions, improved financial processes and managed operational change. Stefan Danieli has a Master in Science from Stockholm School of Economics. Stefan was initially recruited as CFO but was appointed CEO in September 2022.

Shareholding in Goodbye Kansas: 15,000 shares

Karoline Duvmo
/Head of Finance 

Born in 1979. Head of Finance at Goodbye Kansas Group since August 2023. Karoline Duvmo has significant experience from finance rolls in several industries, most recently as CFO of Convini. During her time at Convini she worked on expansion and acquisitions and implementation of restructuring and efficiency measures. She is also the co-founder of Unrewined.

Shareholding in Goodbye Kansas: 0


Carl Niring
Grant Thornton
Sveavägen 20, Box 7623
103 94 Stockholm

Articles of Associations

Articles of Association of Goodbye Kansas Group AB (publ) (559019-7462) adopted by AGM om January 30, 2024

§ 1. The Company
The Company's name is Goodbye Kansas Group AB (publ).

§ 2. Location
The Board of Directors shall have its seat in the municipality of Stockholm.

§ 3. Activities
The company shall, directly or indirectly, conduct consultation and development of software, publishing of computer games and thereby conduct compatible activities.

§ 4. Share capital
The share capital shall be at least SEK 1,940,000 and not more than SEK 7,760,000.

§ 5. Number of shares
The number of shares shall be at least 19,400,000 and no more than 77,600,000.

§ 6. The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall comprise of a minimum of three and a maximum of eight board members with a minimum of zero and a maximum of four deputies. The board members and deputies are elected annually at the AGM for the period until the end of the next AGM.

§ 7. Auditors
The Company shall have one or two auditors with or without a deputy auditor.

§ 8. Notice
The notice of General Meetings shall be made by advertising in “Post-och inrikes tidningar” and by the summons being kept available on the company's website. At the same time as notice is made, the company must disclose that notice has been made through advertising in the daily Dagens Industri.

§ 9. General Meeting
To participate in a General Meeting, shareholders must be included in the share register by the day specified in the Swedish Companies Act and must notify the Company regarding their intention to participate  and the number of assistans (maximum two) by the date stated in the notice of the General Meeting. This day may not be a Sunday, other public holiday, Saturday, Midsummer Eve, Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve and shall not be earlier than the fifth weekday before the General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held annually within six months after the end of the financial year.

The following matters shall be treated at the AGM.

1. Election of Chairman of the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM).
2. Preparation and approval of the electoral roll.
3. Election of one or two adjustment officers.
4. If the meeting has been duly convened.
5. Agenda approval.
6. Presentation of the annual report and auditor's report and, where applicable, consolidated financial statements and consolidated Auditor's report.
7. Decision
a) on the adoption of the income statement and balance sheet and, where applicable, the consolidated profit and loss account and consolidated Balance sheet,
b) on appropriation of the company's profit or losses in accordance with the adopted balance sheet and
c) on discharge to the board members and the CEO.
8. Determination of fees for the Board of Directors and the auditors.
9. Election of the Board of Directors and auditors.
10. Any other matter that needs to be treated at the General Meeting according to the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551) or the Articles of Association.

§ 10. Proxy and postal voting
The Board of Directors may gather mandates at the Company's expense according to Chapter 7 § 4 in the second section of the Swedish Companies Act (2005:551). The Board of Directors may decide to allow shareholders to exercise their right to vote by post prior to the General Meeting.

§ 11. Fiscal year
The company's financial year shall be 1 January – 31 December.

§ 12. Reconciliation Reservation
The shareholder or trustee who, on the record date, is entered in the share register and recorded in a reconciliation record, under Chapter 4 of the law (1998:1479) on central securities depositories and accounts of financial instruments or the one recorded on the reconciliation account referred to in Chapter 4, paragraph 18 (6-8), the law is presumed to be competent to exercise the rights set out in chapter 4 of section 39 of the Companies act (2005:551).

Persons in Managerial Positions (PDMR)

Persons in the company
Stefan Danieli
Filip Grufman
Karin Wintle
Karoline Duvmo

External members of the Board
Per Anders Wärn
Staffan Eklöw
Mikko Setälä
Adrian Politowski

Nomination committee

The Nomination Committee's task shall, according to the decision of the AGM  Apr 13, 2023, be to present proposals for the number of board meetings to be elected by the AGM, the remuneration of the Chairman of the Board and the other members and the auditor. Possible remuneration for committee work, composition of the board, Chairman of the Board, resolution on the nomination committee, Chairman of the Annual General Meeting and Election of Auditors.

The members of the Nomination Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board contacting the four largest shareholders in terms of voting rights based on shareholder statistics from Euroclear Sweden AB, each of which is given the opportunity to appoint a person, together with the Chairman of the Board, to be a member of the Company's Nomination Committee for the period until the new Nomination Committee is appointed.

The nomination committee includes Niclas Engvall (Chairman), Per Anders Wärn and Jonas Levin

Registration certificate

Registration certificate (2023-11-02) - see link